Tech Days at Driver’s School

January 27, 2019

San Francisco Region SCCA Driver’s School – Tech Days

As a long-standing tradition, anyone may bring an SCCA racecar to the Driver’s School Feb 15– 17 at Thunderhill for a logbook or annual tech inspection, whether the car is entered into the School or not.

If you have a new car and wish to get a logbook, this is a great opportunity. If you have a car with a logbook and your annual inspection has expired – ditto. Even if the car isn’t finished, our talented and attractive Tech Crew can take a look at it, give you recommendations and send you home with a list.

Inspections will be first-come-first-served as resources allow, and priority will be given to the School cars. Anyone with questions about the Driver’s School Tech Days should contact the future, former Chief of Tech, Allen Davis:

Cell: 415-264-5666