Worker of the Weekend – Races 5 & 6

May 18, 2019

Worker of the Weekend was selected by the Tech Crew for Regional Races 5 & 6. The award goes to those that jumped in to fulfill equipment needs and made the race weekends event work. The true spirit of our Region was exemplified as these people responded to urgent needs.

Our water and ice supply, coolers, fire extinguishers, sweep and Tech radio headsets were quickly gathered and distributed, so that the event went on schedule.

Not in any special order:
Tim Sullivan – Region Board
Kevin Cullen – Steward
Marcia Ulise – Starter
Nan Mendes – Region Administrator / Social
Ian Cook – Paddock Marshall
Paul Gilbert – Worker Trans/Social
Trish James – Timing & Scoring
Joe Montana – Driver – #88 GROUP 3
Charlie Laster – Driver – ROOKIE AS #23
Rodney Collins – Crew

Thank you for responding – on ALL of our behalf!!

Ian Cook – Paddock Marshall

Tim Sullivan – Region Board

Kevin Cullen – Steward

Marcia Ulise – Starter

Paul Gilbert – Worker Trans/Social

Nan Mendes – Region Administrator / Social