Worker Highlight – Linda Rogaski

April 25, 2018

How did you get started with SCCA?

Jim was an avid auto-crosser when we got married, I figured out if I wanted to see him I needed to go to the auto-cross site also.  The auto-crossing turned into an SCCA commitment, and once again I went along.

What is your current position?

I am the Divisional Administrator (DA) for Registration for Northern Pacific (NORPAC) Division, and a registrar in San Francisco Region (SFR) of the SCCA.

As a registrar I help sign participants into events. Registrars are usually the first face a participant sees at the beginning of an event. The registrar ensures the participant is appropriately licensed to participate, all monies have been paid and most importantly sends them off with a smile on their face. If a competitor has a bad time at registration it may, and does, negatively affect the rest of the weekend.  n most regions the registration team has the administrative responsibilities to make sure competitor information regarding car specifics such as transponder number, car make, class, etc., is correct to help ensure final results are accurate. In SFR the registration team also provides driver information e.g. qualifying and race results, and answers general questions regarding the event.

The Executive Steward from each division appoints Divisional Administrators (DA) for each of the worker/volunteer specialties. The DA is responsible for making sure the Division’s Regional chiefs of specialty are knowledgeable about changes to the SCCA General Competition Rules (GCR) concerning their specialty or general changes as to how the club does business, they also share best practices from other regions/divisions. The DA also approves license upgrades for volunteers. Through these efforts, it is hoped that their will be consistency in the implementation of the GCR within the various division of the SCCA.

What do you I like about the SCCA?

The old story is, I came for the cars and stayed for the people. I came for the people and stayed for the people. I can tell an open wheel from a closed wheel, but after that’s it pretty shaky. It’s the people that make this club what it is.

What don’t people know about what you do?

After this many years in the Club, I think there is little no one knows.  In fact I think there a few out there that know more than I do!

Thank You!

Thank you Linda! It is always great to get a big smile and welcome whenever a driver, crew member or visitor walks into registration.